Admissions Application

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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

We've identified you submitted ab application already. You may only submit one general application per term. If you are already admitted but would like to change your program of study, please submit a Program Change Request.

Do you certify the following? *

Under the penalty of perjury punishable by law under Section 775.08, Florida Statutes, the information contained in this application and Certificate of Residency is true and accurate. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA allows schools to disclose a student’s education record, without consent, to specific parties or under certain conditions. I authorize HCC to obtain my student education records from any educational institution I have attended. I also agree to the release of my student records from HCC to any school officials with legitimate educational interests and/or to other schools to which I am transferring.
Do you certify the following? *

If enrolled, I agree to abide by all the rules, regulations, policies and standards of Hillsborough Community College. I agree that if any credentials are not complete within the initial term of enrollment or if any information is found to be false, I may be suspended from classes without a refund of any fees paid.
The electronic signature consists simply of your name, typed by you on your keyboard. The signature is your confirmation that the application you have filled out is your own work and the information is factually true. Once you type in your name, this will count as your electronic signature.

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